Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Project 365 - Day 85 - Bronte Harbour at night

On the way home from the Leaf game (buds beat the Panthers 3-2 btw), I noticed how clear the sky was and how calm the wind was.  Perfect recipe for a moon reflection shot - especially since the moon is full tonight. 

So when I got home I grabbed my camera and headed out.  There were police at my usual spot - as Coronation park is closed past 9pm and there were a couple of  "parked" cars there.  So I headed down to Bronte Harbour.

I couldn't get a good shot of the moon over the water here, but I did get the empty docks with the lighthouse in the background.  Not what I was going for, but it'll do.

Now I will have to wait until the next full moon cycle and hope to get a calm clear night.  I do have all year after all ....

Here's today's shot.

Cropped in post, but mostly out of camera this way.  I adjusted the contrast to darken the sky.  20 sec shutter at f/16.  ISO is 800.  Nikon 24-70mm at 24mm.

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