Saturday, May 4, 2013

Project 365 - Day 123 - "Put up a fence to keep me out ...

Just had to steal a line from the Five Man Electrical Band's song Signs.  As you should know by now I am in Calgary Alberta for work.   I am still doing the project 365 thing, although with the long hours and such it is pretty difficult.

Today was especially difficult because it was travel day, which meant getting to Pearson airport at 7am for a 9am flight, then landing here in Calgary at 11am Mountain time, working a 6 hour day, then go for dinner, catch up on my other work, and find time to shoot.

So while I was at work, I was grabbing a shot of the Calgary skyline through this fence.  At one point my camera, who by the way believes it is smarter than I am, decided to focus on the fence itself.  The resulting shot is pretty cool - which I guess proves that the camera is right.  It is smarter than me.  The shots I have of the skyline are uninspired and flat, this is by far the better shot.

I had this shot in my back pocket, and figured that I would get to shoot later in the day.  But then, that old Murphy got a hold of my time and voila - gone.

So here's today's shot.  I hope you enjoy it ... I like it.

... or to keep Mother Nature in.... :-)

Shot with my 24-70mm lens at 70mm.  ISO 100, f/5.0 at 1/4000 sec shutter.

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