Thursday, January 3, 2013

Project 365 - Day 2 - Coin Collecting

So far so good.  Today was a crazy day schedule wise, and I only had a little time to work on the photo of the day.  I was trying to get a shot of a poinsettia that is nearing it's end of life - and not really happy with the results.  After the Raptor game tonight, I came home and emptied the change from my pocket - and found a Grey Cup loonie in there.

This got me thinking of all the "special" coins of late, and how the Canadian Mint seems to be releasing some every month.  I can't help thinking that I should be saving these coins, that one day they may be worth something.  Of course, I know very well that the only coins that are ever worth money are non-circulated coins, but this does not stop me.

When I see one of these coins, I put it aside.  I don't put it in a special place, it just goes beside the alarm clock in our bedroom and ultimately Sonia collects these coins and puts them back into the coin cup that we keep in the closet until there are enough to roll and take to the bank.  So, tonight I went to the coin cup and pulled out all the "special" coins that are in there.  There weren't a lot of special ones in there, a testament to other like minded people who are keeping these coins.

This is what I came up with.

I could have polished the Grey Cup loonie, but I think it makes a statement about the actual worth of the coin - $1.  It's a circulated coin, so it won't likely end up going up in value.

And as per usual, here's my setup.  I love off camera flash.  This flash is just bouncing off the ceiling and back down again.  This time my shutter speed was slower, so I am using the tripod for support as well.  This is my old Manfrotto tripod, not the one that reaches in.  I had it leaning on the counter for support.

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying this, keep up the great work 2/356.
    Nice coin collection and great set up, the coins have a great profile!
