Okay, today's shot is something I haven't tried before. It's a macro shot of a poinsettia leaf which is lit from above using the kitchen light. The leaf has some sparkles on it, which come across as yellow dots on the leaf itself.
I like it. It's different, and it will lead to some interesting shots in the spring when I can once again venture out into the great outdoors.
I toyed with turning this B&W, but in the end decided that colour was best for this, seeing as the leaf itself was in very good condition.
I had a few shots that totally overexposed the red in the shot, but the histogram did not show that it was overexposed. It was only when I looked at the red channel that I saw why it was bad. I under exposed by about 1 1/2 stops here, which is why the ceiling is the colour it is. But it works for the shot.
Here's the shot.
I cloned out one sparkle that was driving me nuts - otherwise no other work was done. It was not cropped either.
60mm macro lens at f11. 0.4 sec shutter. ISO 400. I used a tripod as I had to get underneath and the shutter speed was also pretty slow to handhold. It's also very tough to handhold when you are 2 inches away from the subject shooting macro.
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