Sunday, February 10, 2013

Project 365 - Day 40 - Trip to Belfountain

What a great day.  For those of you that are in the GTA, you know how beautiful it was today.  Yes, a little cold, but it was sunny with blue skies.  A great day for a walk in the park.

My friend Omar D'Angelo and I decided to go on a photography outing.  We are both part of the Oakville Camera Club, and they are planning an outing later this month to Belfountain.  Since neither Omar nor myself could make this outing, we decided to go today instead.  What a good decision.

We were one of the first people in the Belfountain Conservation Area today, and that has it's privledges.  We were able to get some excellent shots of the area, and we also ended up blazing a trail for those photographers who followed.

We had a good little hike and came home with full memory cards.  Today's shot is from that outing.  I slowed the shutter down to get the waterfall.  You can see the moving water, and in contrast the frozen parts of the waterfall.  It was pretty awesome under the swing bridge today.  For those who have never been up there, I highly recommend taking a trip.  Belfountain is a great little community and the conservation area has a couple of challenging trails.  Omar and I will be returning in the spring for sure!

Here's the shot.

ISO100, f/22 and 1/4 sec shutter.  24mm on my Nikon 24-70 lens.  No filter today.  Cropped and adjusted white balance in post, as well as bumping up the greens and browns a bit for the trees.  Not much work at all.  I am going to post the rest of the pics on my facebook page soon.

A quick shout out to Higher Ground Coffee Company in Belfountain for making our very tasty late lunch after the shoot.  This is an awesome place to eat, they have great coffee and sandwiches.

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