Monday, February 25, 2013

Project 365 - Day 56 - Here we go...

So it's that time of year again, where my weekends are mostly taken up with going to BMO field in Toronto to watch TorontoFC play.  Sonia and I have been season ticket holders for 5 years now.  We try to go to each and every game, but sometimes life gets in the way.  Our first game is next Saturday at the Roger's Centre (aka Skydome).

At this point in the year, I usually race home to see if anyone has delivered my season tickets yet.  They usually come before the first game, but since the first game is actually being played at a different stadium (indoor) they sent commemorative tickets in advance.

So can you name a better subject for today's photo shoot?

I used my year one jersey as a table covering, and placed the tickets on top.  Then, I tossed in the baseball cap that we have with Richard Eckersley's signature on it.  The light is ambient light from the room.

Here's today's shot:

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