At the Henry's Exposure show yesterday, I picked up a new toy. It's a 70-200mm lens, a good long one. It has a fixed max aperture of f/2.8, which means it's nice and fast. It's the older cousin to my 24-70mm Nikon lens.
I went with the Sigma mainly because I liked the look and feel of the lens. Also, it was lighter than the Nikon - but it's still very heavy. Today when I went out I got to Oakville Harbour, there was a tonne of fog and no lgiht was making it's way through. It was quite dark. This lens had no problem focusing in on the birds as I was panning across.
I got this tern (common tern) this morning. I have been to this spot twice now and watched these guys fish. It's quite entertaining seeing how they fly around looking down at the water, then with a flick of the wing they are diving headlong into the water. More often than not they come up empty, but every once in a while they come up with a little fish.
When I saw that I got the shot, I was giddy. Then I zoomed in on the shot and noticed he had a fish. Score! :-)
70-200mm Sigma Lens zoomed right out to 200mm, no stabilization and handheld. 1/320 shutter at f/2.8 ISO was 800
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