Friday, June 7, 2013

Project 365 - Day 158 - Rockin Robin

I was trying to figure out what to shoot today.  I opened the back door for inspiration and I saw a very cool looking robin bouncing around.  He was a big bird, not your typical robin.  He has a lot of grey on his breast and his feathers are very detailed in their colour scheme.  I have seen a lot of robins in my life, but this guy was by far the coolest.

I asked him to pose for me, he took this position in front of our lilies.  He would not look directly at the camera, nor would he face me.  I tried to get closer, but he ended up flying off.  Strange, robins aren't usually that shy of humans - and this guy seems to have been on the planet for a couple of years so he should be more used to us.  But then again, he might have been talking to that stinking cardinal ... :-)

Shot with my Sigma 70-200mm at 200mm.  f/4.5 and 1/40 of a sec.  OS is on, and I was hand holding this.  I only got off two shots before he flew away.

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