Thursday, December 5, 2013

Project 365 - Day 339 - Water Droplet Collision

Heh.  Yep, that's what it is.

I got this new device a couple of weeks back that had "some assembly required" and I finally had time to built it.  It's called a Camera Axe (  Basically it's a controller for your camera, it controls the camera and a flash - more if you use a wireless system.  There are some sensors that you can make on the web site, such as sound, motion, projectile, etc.  Today's shot employs a valve "sensor"

The Camera Axe is set up to control the valve.  You fill this tube with water and then the valve opens and drops water into a dish.  Some of you might remember my first , manual droplet shot.  I didn't use anything for that and I got lucky, but repeatability was a real problem.  What this device does is let's you free up your hands for focusing and framing the shot, selecting the aperture and so on.  You adjust the delays and the timers (there are a LOT of settings you can go through) and you take the shot.  It's not like the box is doing all the work, but it takes the pressure off to allow you to set up the collision and then start playing with light and colours.

I am impressed with this device ...

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