Monday, September 9, 2013

Project 365 - Day 251 - Night Fishing

Went down to Bronte Harbour tonight, lured by the promise of a red moon.  Well, by the time I got down there, the moon had gone into hiding and I was left with the question of what I was going to shoot.

I then found a group of fishermen that were lined up along the curved line that is the pier.  This was cool in itself, and in more light would have been a pretty good shot.  But with the low light, I was forced to resort to a slow shutter - thus blurring all the fisher-people on the pier.  Except for one.

This guy, at the front, was casting and waiting, then casting and waiting.  He would sit still for about 2 minutes at a time.  That was plenty for my 15 second shutter.  Set the apeture to f/22 and got this shot.

I had to fix the colour as the camera did not know what to do with the yellow lights.  Even putting the camera to tungsten only took care of some of it.  So a bit of WB fix, and crop for content, and voila.

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