Saturday, October 19, 2013

Project 365 - Day 292 - Where has all the colour gone?

I don't remember the fall colours being this disjointed last year.  It seems like there was an early turn and all those leaves are now gone, and there are still an abundance of trees that are green.  It is almost like there is a species of tree that is missing from the middle here - maybe that is a direct result of the ash trees being taken down because of the borer infestation.  Dunno...

I got up early today to get a shot of the sunrise, but to my dismay it was way too cloudy to get a good shot of anything - the sun has yet to poke his weary head through these clouds.  So I drove around a bit to parks that I know looking for colours.  I saw some colour, but only on a tree here or a tree there, and places where there was a lot of colour were not accessible to me.

So I went to a park that I had never been to before and looked at individual trees.  I got this shot of a maple leaf.  It's shot against the bright white boring sky, so I cropped out as much as I could.  The good thing about this sky is it casts nice soft light on everything - so that was a plus.

Anyway, here's the shot.

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