Sunday, January 6, 2013

Project 365 - Day 6 - Got Milk??

Trying to be creative on a day to day basis is going to be hard, so when you get an idea you have to act.  I have a plan for snowflake pictures, but since it was not snowing today I had to go with a classic.  The milk drop.

There are rigs that you can get to get this shot perfect, but I just used the old fashioned fire-camera-when-you-think-the-time-is-right method.  Worked out pretty well.  I had to keep adjusting my angle to get the proper look, then I put a 1/2 cut of green gel on the speedlight I was using to get some texture on the milk.  Worked out pretty well for an hour worth of prep and shooting.

No, I was not using continuous shooting on this.  I had to focus manually using a tea bag wrapper for the centre of the milk, and I used a 1/4 teaspoon to drop the milk into the dish.

60mm lens again, at f11 and 1/5000 shutter.   Post was limited to cloning out a little splash dot and also cropping and leveling.  Got it mostly right in camera.

Here's the setup shot.

2nd speedlight off to the side was being used, but I took it out of the setup as it wasn't adding anything.  

I'm not done with experimenting with this kind of setup.  I need to get something a little more stable rigged up, but for now I got the shot I was looking for.

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