Saturday, March 9, 2013

Project 365 - Day 68 - Sunrise over Lake Ontario

Last night when I got home from an evening out, I set the alarm for 5:50.  Yeah, that's 5:50 am.  One thing I forgot to do was set the alarm for the day.  Sonia woke up at 6:10 and woke me up - thankfully ...

So off I headed, without my morning coffee no less, to Oakville Harbour again.

It was odd this morning, because there were only a handful of geese there to greet me.  Must be getting warmer and the geese have moved on to northern areas.  I'm sure our paths will cross later.

I set up on the beach and grabbed some shots of the sunrise.  Then, when the sun had fully breached the horizon and the colour was all but gone, I moved on to one of my favourite subjects of late - the lighthouse.

I got this shot with the sun harsh and blaring on the left side of the house.  As I was shooting, a few geese flew by the lighthouse and added to the overall picture.

Here's the shot.

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