Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Project 365 - Day 86 - Spring is coming!

When you think of spring, what do you think of?  Mr Robin looking for worms?  How about the tulips and daffodils poking their heads through the not-yet-completely-thawed ground? 

Did anyone say Golf?

Well, that's what today's shot is.  It is inspired by the most frustrating activity ever created by man.  I use the word activity because golf is not a game - games are fun.  It's also not a sport - but athletes can play golf.  But that's getting off topic.

This shot was not taken outside.  It was taken inside in my "studio" with low light and a flash off to the left with a snoot on it to direct the light into a tight circle.  I put the golf tee in a clamp and put the ball on the tee.   As an aside, this was the first time I had to actually search for a golf tee - if you ask Sonia, they are usually all over the house.  :-)

f/2.8 and ISO200.  Shutter was 1/400sec  Nikon 24-70mm lens at 50mm.

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