Friday, March 1, 2013

Project 365 - Day 60 - The eye of the beholder

Today's shot was inspired by my friend Rafal Kiermacz - and I didn't even know it.  :-)

Rafal is also doing a project 365 where he posts a picture a day.  You can find his blog here.  I encourage you to read it, he's a very good photographer.  Yesterday, Day 59, he posted a picture of an eye.  Now, I had just spent the evening shooting my own eye, trying to get the depth of field down so you could see enough of the eye, and was reasonably successful.  Do you know how difficult it is to shoot your own eye when you have to keep checking to make sure the focus is good, and hold a light shining into your eye?  It's a pain in the butt.  But like I said, I was reasonably happy with one of the shots I had, so I went to the computer to see it on the big screen.

That's when I saw his post from yesterday.  (Insert awww sound here). So back to the drawing board - so to speak.

What I came up with was a different eye altogether.  It is the opening of the lens called the aperture.  This opening acts like the pupil in the eye, opening to let enough light in for the camera to make a good image.  This is where the term "open up" and "close down" come in.  A small number in the aperture (for instance f/2.8) means that the blades are basically wide open.  A larger number, F/22, means that the blades are closed down more.

Hopefully that didn't bore you and you're still with me ... :-)  Before I lose any more readers, here's the shot:

This is my 60mm lens with 2 extension tubes (36mm and 22mm) looking down on my 24-70mm lens.  The 24-70mm lens has an apeture of about f22 or so I would think.  I have my LED flashlight shining on an angle, and that's creating the green ring of lights. 

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