Saturday, April 6, 2013

Project 365 - Day 96 - Lakeside Park - Mississauga

Got up today to catch the sunrise.  I wanted to grab the Toronto skyline at sunrise but it turns out I got up just a little too late.  As I was making my way east on the QEW, I could see that I was going to be late for the sunrise.  So I took the next exit and went down to Lakeshore and Winston Churchill and into one of my alternate sites for shooting.

I set up where the sun was coming up, and I noticed that there were a bunch of seagulls playing in the area. They were flying around in circles and some of the other birds were diving in for breakfast.  It was pretty cool.

So I waited all of 3 minutes for the show to start (I did mention I got up late didn't I?)

Grabbed this shot with a seagull flying around in the foreground.

24-70mm lens at 32mm.  ISO is 100.  Shutter 1/40 and f/22.

Oh, and I didn't mention.  I got up, got ready, left the house, went to the park and took some shots, got home, downloaded off my eye fi card, and went back to bed WITHOUT waking Sonia or Brodie.  :-)

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